Sunday, October 23, 2016

3 Effective-Still Tools for a Successful Local SEO Campaign

Significant styles in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are constantly changing due to Google’s algorithmic updates. However, there are still methods that retain their effectiveness over a long time. Google updates mainly act to even out the playing field more than anything - meaning that to be successful most businesses and SEO’s need to know what they are doing, but even better!

For local SEO, a Filipino SEO specialist from Philippine outsourcing companies has to juggle several tasks for a successful campaign. Each of these tasks plays an important role in the campaign’s success, let’s have a look at them and see what needs to be covered for you to rank:

On-Page Optimization
The first thing to consider is the content of the website itself. Do your visitors get what they need with just one visit on your page? A number of onsite elements needs to be taken into account when building and/or optimizing the website. The title should contain the right amount of keywords and every URLs of the page needs to be SEO friendly.

Having a site that converts visitors into clients is every business’ desire; however, it’s not necessarily easy to accomplish. People have different tastes in terms of what compels them to stay and often it’s best to try various approaches and track success.

There are, however, a few elements that are similar in all successful websites. These elements can be the company’s phone number, a call-to-action and it being mobile-friendly. If these are available, the website is in a good position.

A Google+ Account
A separate Google+ account for your enterprise needs to be established in the proper way. First, relevant information must be visible and ideally the profile will be vibrant with links being shared, images uploaded and a lot of customer engagement and other firms.

Claiming the Google Local listing is also an essential element to ensure that Google knows where you are and who you are exactly.

These are just some of the tasks performed by a Philippine SEO Company for a local SEO campaign. Although there are constant changes to Google’s algorithm, these techniques remain to be quite effective over a long period. If you’re confused on how to accomplish the task, hire a business processing outsourcing company in the Philippines to do the job.

Monday, April 18, 2016

3 Simple Steps to Follow for an Effective SEO Campaign

Search Engine Optimization, or known by many as SEO, is one of Internet content's biggest grey areas. On one hand, some entrepreneurs know how crucial it is to be visible in all of the search engines. On another hand, they are quite unsure how to realize this goal.
When it comes to SEO, Filipino SEO specialists working in business process outsourcing companies in the Philippines have more questions in mind than the answers presented in front of them - which isn't much of a surprise, given that some search engines don't dish out their ranking secrets. Still, there are other simple steps that your company can take in order to rank high in search engines.
Here are some basic steps you can take to greatly improve your overall site ranking in search engines:
Optimize your website's visibility
At the end of every single day, your main SEO objective is easy: you want your identified target audience to find your business through the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Setting aside all the best practices you know, you want to establish a connection with an actual human being on the other side of your computer screen.
Therefore, when publishing your content, you may want to make sure that you're present in every relevant channel as much as possible. Also, ensure that you aren't cross-promoting content across social media channels.
Create great meta titles and descriptions
Even if you're ranking for the correct keywords in the SERPs and in search engines - you shouldn't just stop there and move on. Once you're gaining online visibility, you may want to give incentives for your site visitors to click through the website from your SERP listing. Therefore, you need to create or update meta descriptions and titles containing compelling reasons as to why they should visit your site in the first place.
Keyword-awareness over keyword-driven
It's already a common practice for SEO specialists to be obsessed with keywords - a little too obsessed to say the least. What matters is to keep in mind that some search engines have smart algorithms. While it's crucial to identify and use the right keywords, you need to step back a little and remember your core message.
Every Philippine SEO company should follow these simple steps for your business to rank. Therefore, get only Philippine outsourcing companies who know how to tinker around with SEO, professionally that is.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ways To Use Social Media Safely For Your Peace of Mind

Without question, social media is the most popular way to connect with friends and family, even if they're 5,000 miles away anywhere on this planet. You can easily post a message, photo or video and it instantly goes live.

People are so eager to do just that, they sometimes forget they might be endangering their personal info, and eventually their lives if they're not careful. Below are a handful of social media safety tips as shared to us by Philippine virtual assistants from a prominent Philippine SEO company.

Adjust your privacy settings – The privacy and security settings on social sites let you lock your account so that only those you allow can view your posts. Even then, your posts can also be seen in your friends' accounts. So think twice posting.

Be careful with your post – Words and even innocent photos can kill or ruin your future. How many times have experts warned people against bad-mouthing their company and boss, too? You surely don't want to be fired just because your boss, who's also an FB friend, happened to read your ill remarks, do you?

Likewise, your photo might be used by some unscrupulous individuals for business that will make them money. You don't even know you're making them rich – darn these crooks! 

Protect your personal info at all times – Your complete address, contact numbers, email and passwords should not be given away carelessly. The danger here is that anyone with bad motives may just be lurking on cyberspace, waiting. Once he has the information he wants, he can create his own identity but using your data. We all know where that leads to!

Keep your photos safe – Like your personal info, your photos need protection, too, as these become public property once you share them online. You won't believe how many times an interesting pic can be re-shared by countless others.

Message in private – If you have a private message, send it directly via personal chat, and not on public chat where your conversation will be shared to more people than you can imagine. Also, avoid posting pics of places you're associated with, like your workplace and home, especially showing street names.

The bottom line? Don't be overly social when doing social media, per advice of Filipino content writers. You're still entitled to some privacy. Take this advice from a Filipino virtual assistant.

Monday, December 14, 2015

3 Perks of Getting Virtual Help for your Business Success

As a business owner, you probably have a lot on your hands just in maintaining your business’ success. In today’s economy, you may be the entrepreneur who decides to do all the work instead of hiring on-site staff. However, managing both stress and relaxation time is crucial for you to avoid the downfall of your enterprise. 

The best way for you to manage your time well is to outsource the extra work to a Filipino virtual assistant. Hiring a virtual assistant from the Philippines, or someplace else can be the best idea you can come up with for the maintenance of your success.

Opting to go and hire a virtual assistant can not only save you money, but you’ll also experience the following:


When hiring Philippine virtual assistants, you generate more time to set your sights on making a name for yourself in the industry. In other words, a virtual assistant will give you the time to concentrate on the future of your business. Your business will no longer take control of you. 


A virtual assistant works at a remote office complete with all the equipment and software that they need for the job.  Meaning you can save office space and you don’t need to provide the expensive equipment that they need.


Various marketing strategies are expanding fast, especially with the development of the Internet and social networking sites. A virtual assistant, who keeps up-to-date with the Internet and social media marketing, can help you boost sales! 

These days, it’s hard to keep up with the fast-paced developments in the corporate world. Therefore, the expertise of virtual assistants can help you generate long-term goals and can help you increase your sales. Their marketing skills are not like the rest!

Overall, if you own a business that’s just starting, you still need someone to assist you in all of your endeavors. The benefits of hiring virtual assistants from a Philippine SEO company, especially ones who are well-versed in the business support industry, are limitless. They can guide you to take the path of success.

Monday, November 2, 2015

4 Reasons To Outsource Your SEO-related Tasks

The entire process of outsourcing that the Business Process Outsourcing industry brings has been growing since the start of the new millennium. Countries like the Philippines and India are gladly accepting jobs from international companies, whether it is small or the big. One of the best things you could outsource is search engine optimization (SEO). 

If you want reasons why outsource all your SEO concerns to a Filipino SEO specialist, here they are:


SEO is never a subject where you can get straight A’s with ease. If you’re a noob (beginner), claiming to have a vast amount of knowledge on the subject is a huge mistake. SEO can sometimes be too complex that you can’t bring success if you hold a tiny amount of knowledge. 

Therefore, its best that you hire someone with a skill set that of an expert. They can whip up ideas to better enhance your website’s visibility. In addition, they can utilize the latest SEO marketing materials to make site improvements.


SEO professionals work in a fast manner. They possess more skills and experience with your target market and can control some elements of your campaign. Their expertise will give you enough confidence that all SEO operations are going smoothly. This can make link-building, content development, coding, and reporting more efficient than doing it yourself.


Philippine Outsourcing SEO work can be cheaper than doing everything internally. Although you will be investing some money, it’s guaranteed that your money will pay off and your SEO will improve gradually. Change is constant even in the world of internet marketing that you need someone with the passion and determination to keep up with all the SEO trends.


Outsourcing work with outside firms will enable you to set your sights on your business’ core operations. There’s no need for you to worry about staying up-to-date with the SEO trends. Instead, it’s better to place your time and energy on your business operations, let the SEO do all the worrying in that department themselves.

To sum everything up, you can opt to do SEO in-house. However, if you decide to hire a Philippine SEO company to do the job for you, you’re actually doing yourself a favor. Success will be inevitable and your rankings will skyrocket to the top spot in search engines.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

3 Perks You Gain When Hiring a Virtual Assistant

How can you tell that your small business is growing? Well for one, there’s the factor of gaining more customers. Also, clients from here and there start noticing the efforts of your small business and offer you partnerships. There’s also the fact that you need to do more in order to maintain your standards.

However, with small companies, they can’t always hire the help that they need. For one, they have to invest more time to find the perfect employee. In addition, they have to spend more money for training and equipment buying. It’s a hassle, but there’s one possible solution - hire a Filipino virtual assistant!

Let’s face it, as entrepreneurs, we can’t do everything ourselves. There will always be that point in your business careers that you’ll need help from the outside. Therefore, a virtual assistant is the best way to go. Now that you’re fixed on getting help from a VA, what will it benefit you? Here’s a few of them:
Since virtual assistants are independent contractors, they should have a set of skills that exceeds the typical secretarial job. Skills include administrative function, website design, and proofreading. Most virtual assistants place their focus on a certain task, meaning they'll better understand your business compared to VAs who don't focus at all.
Hiring a virtual assistant is a cost-effective technique. What's this saving aspect? For one, you won't need to spend on interviewing and hiring an applicant. In addition, regular employee benefits such as health insurance are nothing to worry about, for VAs can pay for their own bookkeeping and taxes.
For regular employees, they are paid if they complete a day working for 8 hours straight. For VAs, they only get paid based on how many hours they've worked. For the business owner, you can budget the cost you’ll be paying for the VA for high priority projects.

These are some of the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant. Although the list goes on, these are the basics you need to know for now. 

Are you now convinced to look for a Philippine SEO company that has virtual assistants? Don’t hesitate when you feel overwhelmed with your work: hire one now!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Why Content Creation By Humans Is Still The Best

News alert: Apple launches a new News app to compete with Facebook’s algorithm-driven “Instant Articles” feature. Boy, this must surely be a 'clash of the titans' of sort. 

Accordingly, what Facebook had in mind was that, by breaking down all content into component parts based on what appeals to a measurable aspect of society, the engagement factor of that content is already  assured. To do that – its algorithm will aim to edit news for a vast and multi-faceted audience. So now, where does that put human content creators like you from outsourcing firms like Philippine SEOCompany and many others?

Well, you'll be glad to hear what Apple has to say on the issue. It still believes that humans can do better than robots, at least in the area where content control and editing is concerned. What they did was hire seasoned editors as part of the News app and put them in direct competition with an algorithm tasked to search for relevancy and engagement.

And they are not just editors with a wide experience but, Apple specified that they had to be “passionate and knowledgeable so that they can help identify and deliver the best in breaking national, global, and local news.”

What A Relief For Content Creators

While it's true that algorithms can only perform based on metrics and data, the emotional response aspect will always be the domain of real people, not machines. However, the competition doesn't stop here.

Facebook is banking on the possible reaction of its target audience, so they are largely the deciding factor here. Whatever their decision, it would certainly tell us about any change in the human-machine paradigm in the realm of emotional intelligence.

Why Humans Are Better than Algorithms for Content Creation?

Let's face it – we are familiar with our own species. Content writers are smart enough not to know what makes people tick, what makes them laugh or cry, or what is it that they truly appreciate. As with all other emotions, these are hard to quantify, and what's more, algorithms don't have the capability to fathom human emotions. Further, we can evoke real feelings from our audience and that alone makes us irreplaceable.

Surely, algorithms are good and useful as well, but it's the Filipino virtual assistant who can create content that will go viral.